Neighborhood living rooms, collaboration hubs, and performance venues. Spaces for exploration, creation, and contemplation. Architecture for the modern library accommodates needs as diverse as the people it serves. Libraries should invite participation, foster connection, and evolve along with community needs and aspirations.
From single-room renovations to central library reconfigurations to system-wide master plans, successful library design starts with community understanding. Bostwick Design Partnership’s participatory engagement process generates solutions tailored to each client’s unique demands and strategic priorities. Our planning and design work has helped shape the future of 172 libraries, because we listen, we learn, and we deliver.
Current and Recent Clients
Allen County Public Library, Indiana
Bucks County Free Library, Pennsylvania
Cleveland Medical Library Association, Ohio
Cleveland Public Library, Ohio
Columbus Metropolitan Library, Ohio
Erie County Public Library, Pennsylvania
Geauga County Public Library, Ohio
Heights Libraries, Ohio
Lorain Public Library System, Ohio
Norwalk Public Library, Ohio
Public Library of Youngstown & Mahoning County, Ohio
Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library, Florida
Toledo-Lucas County Public Library, Ohio
Specialty Areas
Community Engagement
Facility Programs
Facility Master Plans
Library Assessments
Central Libraries
Branch Libraries
Academic Libraries
Historic + Carnegie Libraries
260 libraries
19 states
total team experience
Central Library Planning:
Philadelphia, PA
Cleveland, OH
Rochester, NY
Fort Wayne, IN
Erie, PA
Youngstown, OH
75+ years
total library design experience on our team

Library Leader
Richard Ortmeyer AIA | Partner
Rick’s work includes over 80 library programming, planning, and design projects in 13 states. A former public library board member, he’s a committed collaborator and effective facilitator of discussions across all organizational levels, from small focus groups to large community forums.
Featured Projects:
Cuyahoga County Public Library, Garfield Branch
Cleveland Public Library, Main Renovations
Free Library of Philadelphia, Space Programming
Want to know more? Send Rick an email.
Featured Library Projects